Oakland is a city in California, United States. It is situated on the shore of San Francisco Bay and opposite San Francisco. It is the County seat of Alameda County. As per the census of 2022, the population of Oakland is around  4.31 lakhs. It is known for its diverse population and culture. The economy of Oakland is driven by its port and various industries. It offers many attractions like parks, gardens, museums, and various other public attractions.

In Oakland there is a high need for security guard service, therefore, Prime International Security is here to provide you with the best security service in the city.

Need of security guard service

There is a need for security guards due to the following factors:

  1. Crime rate: The crime rate in Oakland is relatively higher, especially in certain neighborhoods.
  2. Security of Property: To enhance the security of the property and protect it from unlawful trespass it is a must to have security guards.
  3. Construction sites: The guards are required at construction sites to prevent theft and trespass.
  4. Security of event: The security guards are required to ensure the safety of events. They are also helpful in preventing unauthorized access to the event

Benefit of using different types of security guard services

The following are the benefits of using different types of security guard services provided by Prime International Security:

  1. Unarmed Security Guards: Unarmed security guards help control the situation without the use of force and are less expensive.
  2. Armed Security Guards: Armed Security guards provide you with higher protection and act as a strong deterrent to potential threats. In an emergency, these guards act with appropriate force as per the need of the situation. These guards are professionally trained which makes them more reliable.
  3. Patrol Security Guards: Patrol security guards cover large areas while patrolling by foot or using vehicle. These guards keep close surveillance of the area by real-time observations. These guards may be employed for large areas and act swiftly to the alarms as well as unnatural happening around them.
  4. Event Security Guards: The Event Security Guards are helpful in the protection of attendees as well as organizers of the event from potential threats and violence. They are also helpful in controlling and managing crowds. These guards prevent unauthorized entry into the event.

Prime International Security provides you with highly trained professional security guards who can be appointed as per your needs and requirements. For more information about the best security guard company visit https://primeinternationalsecurity.com/ or contact (833) 757-7463.